Marvel was almost pauper, it came back like this, Great 🔥.

The journey of 'Marvel' is also no different from any comic book story in which the hero reaches such a point that everything is defeated, then he returns with a surprise. 
Marvel had seen this bad phase in the 1996 cold weather. Marvel had made a habit of only moving forward in the 60s, 70s and 80s due to their amazing stories. Comics like 'Fantastic Four' and 'The Amazing Spider-Man' can be credited to this.

The company was at its peak in financial matters in the early 90s. In 1993, he had a stock valued at over $ 35, in three years it had grown to only $ 2.37

The future of the company was beginning to appear in the dark as the earnings from the company's comics and trading cards had fallen in the last three years. 

The borrowing burden on the company 'Marvel Entertainment' started in 1995. To get out of this a big gamble was made and 'Marvel Studios' was designed to start. 

The plan was to bring the company's famous characters to the big screen. In December 1998, after a long court battle, Toy Seed and Marvel Entertainment Group reunited. By the end of the 1990s, the company had a hit in the bag. 'Blade' grossed $ 70 million

The funny thing is that despite such a grand earning, Marvel had a profit of just $ 25,000. The same thing happened in the films 'X Men and Spider-Man', it was a hit but the profits were very less. In 2003, it was decided that the company would make films under its banner and would take all the profits or losses. 

Nearly ten films were made with 'Merrill Lynch' under a contract. They increased profits. After this, 'Iron Man' worked to give height to the company because it earned 585 Million Dollars.

The company's credibility now began to grow from film to film, and then Disney bought the profit-making company in 2009 for a whopping $ 4.2 billion.

- When Disney bought it, they called it a very cheap deal because they knew how much profit they would make from it.

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